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2Become1 Marriage


2become1 Marriage Coaching 


Marriage was meant to bring two self-sufficient individuals together to become one extraordinary entity, operating in unison to impact the world. But unfortunately, it has become a source of deep regret and pain for many.

2Become1 Marriage Coaching is about unlocking the secret to two persons operating as one and eliminating the friction that often comes when merging two separate lives and mindsets.

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."

What is Marriage Coaching?

Marriage Coaching is a deliberate process that improves attitudes & dispositions that affect how individuals relate to each other in a relationship. The aim is to get couples to commit to the right values and take definitive actions that ensure a healthy, happy marriage. Coaches facilitate growth by helping couples to discover and set common goals and motivate them to achieve said goals to maximize their full potential.

Make Marriage Great Again!

Meet Your Coaches

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Marriage is great - best decision we ever made great! That has been our reality and we want it to be yours too.

Kavan & Keisha Allen

Kavan & Keisha - the dynamic duo behind House of Clay, have been married for over a decade and are the proud parents of three amazing little girls (Tehillah, Karar-Kharis and Judah) and recently their delightful son Josiah. The couple has a synergy that never goes unnoticed and will give you the warm and fuzzies just by being around them. Their energy is infectious causing them to capture the hearts of many, young and old.

The two are polar opposites! Kavan, being upbeat, energetic and probably the most extroverted guy you'll ever meet, while, Keisha is Calm, soft spoken and an extreme introvert by nature, yet they are so much alike in their values outlook on the world and commitment to the people around them.


The Allens are blessed to have had eleven amazing years of marriage and have reaped the benefits of two truly becoming one, having accomplished so much together while maintaining their awe of each other. Kavan & Keisha are on a mission to make marriage great again!

"There's a habit that we've found at the root of all marital issues, that can be avoided with a little training, motivation and support."

Why Coaching Instead of Counselling?

  • Coaching emphasizes behaviour - is action-focused.

Counselling emphasizes feelings - is emotion-focused.​


  • Coaching looks at who you are Now and focuses on the future to define how you will behave differently.

Counselling analyzes the past to determine why you behave the way you do.


  • Coaching builds on existing strengths and talents.

Counselling identifies weaknesses.


  • Coaching facilitates short-term results and prepares you for constant wins long-term.

Counselling usually requires a longer-term process to progress and realize change.


  • Coaching is built on goals that are specific, observable and measurable.

Counselling involves goals that may fluctuate over time and are sometimes vague.


  • Coaching makes YOU the hero of your story. You define the objectives and outcomes.

Counselling generally depends on objectives set by the counsellor

Who Is Marriage Coaching For?

2Become1 Marriage Coaching is for:

  • Couples who are not yet married but want to secure an amazing future in marriage and avoid common pitfalls that sabotage marriage relationships.

  • Married couples who are happily married but see the potential for extravagant growth and greater synergy to win big.

  • Married couples who are finding it difficult to navigate the transition into marriage and/or the inevitable changes that occur as a result of life.

"I wish I was born married."

Discover the power of two becoming one!

Are you ready to experience the Amazing marriage you've always envisioned?

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